Sunday 4 December 2011

Double page spread photos

The photos I already had were not good enough for my double page spread so I had to do another photoshoot. This time I wanted to change the clothes to look a bit more casual also I wanted to include more humour in the pictures as all my other photos had serious facial expressions.

Below are some example of some of the photos:

Saturday 3 December 2011

Contents page photos

Some of the pictures that I took at first were not good enough for my contents page so i had to take more pictures.

Below are some examples of some of the images I took:

Friday 2 December 2011

Potenital photos for magazine

Below is my first photo-shoot, these photos are for my front cover. On this photo-shoot over  one hundred pictures were taken because I planned to use these pictures for my front page, contents page, and double page spread.