Friday 13 April 2012

Peer Assessment 2

Once we had finished our 7 Evaluation questions along with everything else we needed to do another peer assessment. This time we had to comment on each others; finished media product, blog aesthetics( Labels, layout, content, etc.), Evaluation questions, and use of technology in each evaluation questions.

Below is the feedback I got back from my peers:
 Some of the main negative points in my feedback was:
  • "Why are evaluation questions in capital when everything else isn't?"
  • "An Image in question 2 doesn't work"
  • "Need a label for all 7 evaluation questions"
  • "Use of technology in evaluation questions"
Immediately I picked up on these points and started working on them. First of all i needed to change the letter casing of the label and title for the evaluation questions from upper case to lower case:

As you can see the title for this evaluation question is in Upper Casing.

As you can see i have changed the letter casing from upper case to lower case for all the evaluation questions.

Now I had to make a label for all the evaluation questions so all of them can be viewed at once.
As you can see on my labels, I have a separate post for all the evaluation questions.
After this is fixed the broken image on Evaluation questions 2.
The large image of rapper Tinie Tempah is the image that wasn't working but now I've fixed it and it works.
Lastly I had to start using more technology in my posts, below is an example of the technology that I have use in my evaluation questions.