Sunday 8 January 2012

Target audience

UK Tribes (

UK tribes is a website which was set up by the television channel 'Channel 4' as part of research. The research was carried out by 'Crown DNA' for 'Channel 4' to categorise the young people in the UK into different groups and explain to us what each category does.
Below are some of the categories from the website:

Aspirant Mainstream- Aspirant mainstream is the type of kids who will spend a lot of money to look good, get the music they want, and get the lifestyle they want. They usually buy the expensive things to achieve all these. Sub-categories of aspirant mainstream are 'Trendies' and 'Rahs'.
Mainstream- Mainstream are the types of kids that just follow what everyone else does but this is usually those at a younger age until they get older and start having personal opinions etc. You'd be classified as mainstream if you like chart music, TV and like to drink a bit. The sub-categories of mainstream are; Ravers, Townies, Chavs, Boy racers, Sport Junkies, Street rats, and Casuals.
Urban-"Urban music is the most pervasive and influential genre in popular music, topping the charts around the world and sound-tracking the lives of many different Tribes. Members of the Urban segment are therefore very close to one of the biggest cultural signifiers in the youth market – although in planning terms, genuine Urban segment members make up a small slice of the market."
Alternative-"Possessing an alternative taste in music and fashion no longer automatically denotes outsider status. Instead, this segment makes up a significant slice of the youth market, with the internet helping to smash the barriers to the Alternative lifestyle. An enthusiasm for indie fashion and band culture is now almost obligatory in the development of middle class teens."
Leading Edge- "Leading Edge tribes are the smallest segment in the youth market. However, they drive taste across virtually all other sectors, impacting on the listening habits and fashions of everyone from rural teenage Emos to the stars of US hip hop. These tribes stand at the gateway of popular culture, and are the main influence over other Tribes like the Young Alts. However, all of these Leading Edge Tribes are hard to manipulate."

Target audience
The target audience for my magazine is the urban category. Within the urban category it's mostly going to be  the young males aged 15-25 who have an interest in hip-hop/rap because my magazine focuses on the well known artists as well as the upcoming and new artists. There are a lot of new upcoming and new artists as many youths are trying to get away from the streets by making music so this would encourage those who makes music or have interest in new artists to buy and read my magazine.

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