Tuesday 7 February 2012

DPS article Draft 2

Article- A trip down memory lane with Vapourtwist and Kav

Introduction...Who is Vapourtwist...Who is Kav...How well do you know each other...Why did you start rapping?...Will you be forming a duo?...Things they miss the most and regrets..."We're off now"


"Since day one i knew we'd go far" Vapourtwist reveals that he and Kav have known each other since a young age and

Vapourtwist also known as Vapour by his close ones is a 19 year old rapper from Brixton who has been rapping for the past 3 years of his rollercoaster life. Kav on the other hand is another 19 year old rapper from Brixton who had begun his rapping careers only two years ago but turns heads everywhere he goes due to his successful career even though it's not been long.

How well do you know each other?

"We've been going to the same schools as each other for 16 years", Kav explains that they have known each other for so long as they've lived. "You do know that's a very long time but it seems like a short time to us" Vapour replies. "Don't worry vapour, we only just begun" Kav re-enforces that they're lives have only just begun.
 The two rappers say that they've been to the same school as each other since year 1 till the end of year 11 where Vapourtwist dropped out of school whereas Kav stayed in school for another year to do his A-levels but Kav ended up dropping out of school after the first year of A-levels.
Even though they part ways after year 11 they still kept in touch and saw each other a lot when they had time because of "the connection".

Why did you start rapping?

Vapourtwist said "I started rapping after I dropped out of school, the reason why i dropped out was because I didn't get the grades I was hoping to get so i just dropped out. My parents were worried that i would end up on the streets and ruin my life but i wanted to do them proud and started thinking about my life. That's when i thought of going college but I wanted to give something else a go for a year but if all else fails then I'd go to college. I tried applying for a jobs etc. but it didn't work so i decided to try rapping because i used to rap along with songs of other artists and iwas told that I had it in me so i gave it a go and it worked".

Kav on the other hand said "I wanted to carry on in school and go university but as i progressed through my first year of A-levels, I started thinking what can i do with my life. That's when i thought i should try rapping as I've always written songs but never tried rapping properly so i gave it a go. The response i got was good so i decided to drop out of school to focus on my rapping".

 "We thank god for blessing us with this life", both rappers expressed how lucky they felt.

Will you form a duo?
"We've discussed this many times and we have decided to wait for a couple months then there could be a possibility of us forming a duo", Vapourtwist explains that the two rappers had already discussed the chance of them forming a duo.

"I think that it'd be great to work as a duo with my long time friend Vapourtwist and it would hopefully be a good decision".

Things you miss the most and regrets?

 " I miss my secondary school days because then I'd just go into school and chill with my mates but now we don't see each other much as we used to. My biggest regret would be not concentrating on my GCSE's because I wanted to do my parents proud by getting good results but that didn't happen because I wasn't thinking straight back in the day.", Vapourtwist tells us what he feels deep down.

"I miss my mates from my old school as we don't see each other much now but the only people i see now are only a couple of us. My biggest regret is not staying in school and getting a degree in something in university but considering how far I've come now i don't regret it as much as i did in the early days of my career", it seems like Vapourtwist and Kav have very mutual feeling about the things they miss and their regrets.

"Alright guys we're off now but we'll catch you later and thats hopefully before we form the duo, Peace". After saying that both rappers had to go leave.

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