Tuesday 28 February 2012

Evaluation Activity 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

My magazine uses and develops of real media products. My complete can be viewed here.

My front cover uses two elements from the 'Vibe' magazine. To begin with 'Vibe' magazine use a strap line at the top of their front cover to write names of feature artists:


I used this idea and wrote the names of feature artists on the top of my magazine front cover:

Next I used the idea of having the magazine name behind the picture of the artist on the front cover. This is mostly used by 'Vibe' magazine:
This is an example from an edition of 'Vibe' magazine.

This is an example from an edition of 'Vibe' magazine.

This is an example from an edition of 'Vibe' magazine.

I used this idea in my magazine by placing the magazine title behind the picture of the feature artist:

Unlike 'Vibe' magazine, only a little bit of the picture is in front of the title because it makes this a bit different. Also it allows the read  to see the magazine name clearer without any obstructions.
This would also help make the magazine stand out as there is just a huge title with no obstructions in front of it which allows those who pass by to see the magazine name clearer and increasing the potential of purchase due to the good reputation and eye-catching features of this magazine edition.

These were all the elements that i used from existing magazines for my front page.

 The next thing i used from an existing magazine was the idea of having the magazine logo on the magazine contents page from 'Q' magazine:

I adapted this idea onto my magazine contents page, as you can see here:
 Other than this I adapted the style of writing contents page from 'Vibe' magazine:
 I adapted this idea for my magazine but modified it slightly, this is how it looks:
That was all the elements i used from existing media products for my magazines.

For my double page spread I used, the element of having the magazine logo next to the page number. This is used by 'Q' magazine:

As you can see i have used it here on my double page spread:

Another thing I used was having a large picture that stands out and grabs the readers attention. This is used in a lot of magazines:

I used this idea in my double page spread to grab the reader's attention:

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