Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Evaluation Activity 7

Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Below is my preliminary task: 

  My final media product:

When I created my preliminary task I had basic Photoshop knowledge and I lacked in creativity.
 But as i was planning and constructing my final media product I learnt a lot more and improved my creativity skills.

As you can see there is a massive difference between my preliminary task and my final media product. This could be due to the research that I did to help create my magazine by looking at what the real life magazines do and how they design their magazines. 

The use of technology also helped make a difference because when I did my preliminary task, I used a 12MP camera phone to take my pictures and I only used Photoshop to create the finish product. On the other hand when did my media product I used; Nikon D5100 SLR to take pictures, Adobe Photoshop to create front cover and contents page, Adobe InDesign to create double page spreads, and the internet as part of research.

This is how i think it has gone from my preliminary task to my final media product.

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